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Club Meeting Information

New members will find membership to be an exciting experience. We've provided information here to help our new members and guests feel comfortable, informed and enable them to prepare for club meetings.


An example meeting agenda can be viewed here.​​

Meeting Roles





*The feedback coordinator role is executed by club officers and trained members to capture general feedback for our speakers. Please ask the committee if you are interested in helping with this role.

Sign Up For Roles

Members can RSVP, sign up for speeches and roles on EasySpeak.​ The agenda for each meeting is available on EasySpeak.​ This platform also allows members to send each other direct correspondance - speakers can message their evaluator for example.​



Members can download these backgrounds, especially useful for the Timer role.​ You can edit these yourself for club meeting use.​ If you are dialling in on a device and cannot use backgrounds, we recommend finding a neutral area to sit to avoid having a distracting background. Instead of backgrounds for timing you could hold up coloured paper, books or large items to ensure the speaker can clearly identify the timing cue.


Dial In

Guests and members can RSVP via our Events page. For members, the virtual meeting link for our meetings is available via EasySpeak.Members can 'subscribe' to the EasySpeak calendar so they get club meetings populated into their calenders.

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