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WarmUp Master

After the President has spoken, meetings kick off with a warm-up session. This is an opportunity for everyone present to speak for no more than 15 seconds on a subject introduced by the WarmUp Master.


The idea is to give each person present an opportunity to exercise their voice. The WarmUp Master will prepare a topic – usually a fairly straightforward one – and will go round the “room”, i.e., the virtual screen, asking each attendee in turn to speak. While introducing the subject, the WarmUp Master will make it clear that guests may pass if they wish (members are expected to participate) and that time is strictly limited to 15 seconds. The help of the timekeeper may be brought in to ensure good time.


At our club, if a lot of people are present, we split the meeting into two breakout rooms. This helps us keep to time, which is very important for us, and in Toastmasters generally.


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