Taking on this role improves time management skills.
One of the skills Toastmasters practice is expressing a thought within a specific time. The timer is responsible for monitoring time for each meeting segment and each speaker.
As Timer, you:
Acquire the timing backgrounds (or alternative - see below) and ensure smooth operation during speeches
Explain the timing rules and demonstrate the signal device if called upon to do so.
Throughout the meeting, listen carefully to each participant and signal them accordingly.
When called to report, announce the speakers’ names and the time taken.
Optionally, you may cover your camera with a bit of Bluetac or similar. This will show the background but not your face. This is especially useful if your graphics card is not state-of-the-art.
Virtual Backgrounds
If you are able to use 'virtual' backgrounds on your computer, we have put them here for you to download and use.
Access Virtual Backgrounds in High Res by Clicking Here
If you are unable to use 'virtual' backgrounds, please find something green, something yellow, and something red - preferably brightly coloured cards to use that you can hold up to the camera at the appropriate time. Do not hold them too close to the camera because the colour will not show correctly if you do that.

You can use the green, yellow, and red backgrounds with or without the words on them. The words make it easier for those who may struggle with colour-blindness to identify which colour is being shown.